Most Japanese people have never once heard of the atoning death and life-giving resurrection of Jesus that can save them for all eternity. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can help.

Japanese people have little to no access to the gospel. 99.7% are not evangelical.¹
Towns and cities in Japan have no Christian churches of any denomination.²
Churches and families are partnering with our ministry to make a difference
Gospel to give them

You can make a difference

The Japanese people are a beautiful, selfless, honorable, hardworking people. But this cannot save them. They were made to glorify their creator God but rebelled against Him and worshiped idols instead. They are enslaved in their idol worship and have lost their ability to glorify the God that created them. It is because of their rebellion against God that the Japanese people experience death. They experience physical death, spiritual death, and ultimately eternal death. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can be a part of the great things that God is doing in Japan to change this. Through preaching the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, many Japanese people are hearing for the very first time how they can be set free from their enslavement to idolatry, receive eternal life, and once again glorify their creator. Partner with our ministry today to reach the Japanese with the good news of Jesus Christ.

¹ Frontier Ventures, The Japanese of Japan, (Joshua Project, 2015), accessed May 30, 2015,

² Wright and Mitsumori, Operation Japan: A Prayer Guide, 2013.